Tuesday, 16 February 2010

The Waste Conference

I attended my first ICE Wales Cymru conference last week on ‘Waste’. ICE tested out a new ‘event management’ company using some gadgets such as plasma TV’s instead of an overhead projector. They definitely made a good impression on the 100 strong audience as all the speakers presentations went really smoothly and looked highly professional.

Another first for this conference was that it was paperless. Delegate packs etc were all uploaded to a website beforehand which not only saves a massive amount of paper, it also makes the info easily accessible from anywhere. The same website will later host all of the presentation slides for delegates to revisit. Everyone I spoke to couldn’t find fault in the paperless system and it sounds like this may be carried on into other conferences.

ICE Wales Cymru were again lucky to receive support from Jane Davidson AM, Minister for Environment, Sustainability and Housing, who gave the Keynote address. She talked of ‘One Wales, One Planet’, the new directive to get our footprint down to ‘one world’ equivalent level rather the around the ‘3 worlds’ we currently do. This links back to the 2020 and 2050 carbon emission targets that formed part of the last ICE ‘State of the Nation’ Launch on Low Carbon Infrastructure.

Here’s some photos from the event. Me with the Chairman, Director plus Jane Davidson and Phil Butler, Chairman of the ICE Waste Board, then a few others of the event underway:

Others events recently were the evening lecture on the LNG pipeline construction. Some interesting and funny stories from, Nigel Bevan the Project Manager for National Grid. The scale of the project was absolutely immense so it’s an incredible achievement. This morning there was a Business Breakfast on the ‘Remedies Directive’ – basically changes in tendering legislation to make things fairer and more transparent, which can’t be a bad thing. As always, a marvellous fry-up was served whilst you gained CPD. Awesome!